- Living Walls -

​nativ innov​ativ

​The modular ​green facade system 

Green High Tech – ​ From research to market, developed by us

​At the beginning, there was the vision of a sustainable and resilient LivingWall to address the significant challenge of urban overheating with an innovative and intelligent product. Our LivingPANELS originated from an international research project, a collaboration involving renowned European universities such as the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. The first LivingPANELS were developed through this collaboration and were scientifically studied for many years. Subsequently, NatureBase further developed them to market maturity.

​Our projects


​The LivingPANELS are not only an effective measure against climate change but also breathtaking beautiful.

Regulation of urban climate

​Plants are considered by experts as the solution for regulating the urban climate. Through photosynthesis, they cool their surroundings through evaporative cooling, capture climate-harming CO2, and produce valuable oxygen.

​Facades are the largest areas of cities

​Facades present an ideal opportunity for greening urban areas. They constitute the largest surfaces in the city and, unlike trees and open spaces, do not compete for space and use. Buildings with LivingPANELS inside stay cooler by up to approximately 8°C*.

​Significant innovation

​The LivingPANELS embody over 15 years of R&D experience in novel materials, irrigation technology, vegetation technology, and implementation processes. At the core of the system is a completely innovative vegetation substrate, whose material exhibits unique plant-friendly properties and serves as a root space for various plant species. The LivingPANELS are offered as a complete system and are industrially manufactured to the highest quality standards at an affordable price.

​Resource efficient

​The thoughtful design and material selection allow for the complete reusability of the LivingPANELS. This saves valuable resources during installation, operation, and dismantling.

​Compelling Details

​From development to production, LivingPANELS are an Austrian quality product in every aspect.

​Innovative substrate

​with optimal water and nutrient supply

​Easy installation

​Modular with "Plug and Play" procedure

​Lightweight construction

​Total weight < 50kg/m²

​Complete assembly

​Complete assembly including system terminations for existing and new construction

​Winter hardy and permanent green

​Thanks to innovative substrate components

​Demand-responsive irrigatio

​Minimal water consumption

​High biodiversity

​Habitat for protected species 

​Remote maintenance

​For consumption yccounting and error detection

​Our partners

Exklusiver Vertriebspartner in Deutschland:

Starke internationale Partner für unsere Innovationen.

​Information & Downloads

​Product Brochure

​Enclosed you will find all information about Naturebase's LivingPANELS. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us personally at any time.

Bild von günther auf Pixabay

Graz - Förderungen für Fassadenbegrünungen

Förderungen bis zu einer maximalen Förderhöhe von € 40.000. Grüne Oasen in der Vertikalen: Die Bedeutung der Fassadenbegrünung in der Stadt…

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Förderung Wien

Die Abteilung Stadt Wien - Umweltschutz (MA 22) fördert straßenseitige Fassadenbegrünungen bis zu einer Höhe von maximal 5.200 Euro. …
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Graz - Förderungen für Fassadenbegrünungen

Förderungen bis zu einer maximalen Förderhöhe von € 40.000. Grüne Oasen in der Vertikalen: Die Bedeutung der Fassadenbegrünung in der Stadt…

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